Influence of Plasma layer on Steady Blood flow in micro-vessels

Noriko Iida (1977)


  • Arterioles are blood vessels with diameter < 200
  • Non-Newtonian behaviour of blood is because of rouleaux formation, aggregation and flexibility of blood cells.
  • Volume flow rate in of a non-Newtonian fluid in a pipe is given by

apparent viscosity, inner radius, length of pipe, pressure difference across tube

  • 80% of the pressure gradient in the circulation systems is caused by arterioles. 12
  • Mathematical models that give a two fluid description of blood. 345
  • This paper describes proposes the Modified Herschel-Bulkley model mathematical model that is a modification of the existing H.B model, which considers blood to have a non-Newtonian core made of RBC’s and a peripheral region of Plasma that behaves as a Newtonian fluid.



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