Unranked issues that I think are important

  • Building a robot workforce.
  • AI Alignment. 
  • Carbon Capture. 
  • Plant based nutrition.
  • Afforestation. 
  • Education
  • Access to healthcare. 
  • Mental Health. 
  • UBI 
  • Bias, Diversity, LGBTQI rights, Feminism
  • Pandemic prevention
  • Environmental restoration
  • Communication with non-Humans
  • Alternative Energy: Fusion research

If you’re earlier in your career, or more uncertain about which issue to focus on, you may be able to partially delay your decision of what issue to focus on until you have more information, and plan based on a longer and rougher list of ideas.

​My top 5 problems [again: unrelated to your skills]

  • Robot workforce 
  • Global well being
  • Carbon Capture
  • Animal advocacy
  • AI Alignment


  • Focusing on cause area should give me an idea of what to do. But instead it confuses me more.
  • Might have to think more about it.
  • Maybe I should work on building skills and then pick a cause area.

Importantly, unless you’re near the end of your career, you don’t need to pick a single issue to focus on right now.

  • But then that information is not very helpful now.