Ways to record research progress

  • My supervisor has reviews every quarter or so
  • In the lab: excel sheet
  • Reports after each experiment
  • funding
  • not always expected result failure is also useful. Don’t have reinvent the wheel.

Data Documentation

  • Document the exchange between supervisor and you. Make the exchange known to both sides.
    • Resolves misunderstandings.
    • Proof of communication.
    • Everything that hasn’t been documented - hasn’t taken place.
  • Document the work that you are doing - helps prove ownership and credibility.
  • Ask the supervisor for written rules for document keeping.


  • Don’t use any online plagiarism tools. Using a 3rd part tool may index your manuscript online and make it fail a test in the official tool used by the university.
  • Never upload your manuscript online. Sloppy Work: Spelling mistake or a grammatical mistake Questionable Practice: Using a GPT to fix the errror or grammatical error. Severe Misconduct: Hiring someone to rewrite the thesis for you.