1. Blocking

Blocking (Chunk Scheduling) is a common static scheduling strategy where the outer iterations are divided into contiguous chunks (blocks) and assigned to a processor.

How it works:

  • Divide the total number of iterations into fixed-size chunks.
  • Assign each chunk to a different processor.
  • Outer Loop is parallelized

Example: If you have 100 iterations and 4 processors, each processor gets a block of 25 consecutive iterations. center Where,

  • numProcesses Total number of Processors in the Machine.
  • N Total number of iterations to be performed.
  • For Parallel (Pseudocode) just means that the for loop is executed in parallel.

2. Tiling

Tiling (Cyclic Scheduling) distributes loop iterations i(inner loop), ensuring that each processor gets iterations spread throughout the loop.

How it works:

  • Divide the iterations into tiles.
  • Assign iterations to processors in a cyclic manner, such that each processor gets every th iteration (where is the number of processors).
  • Inner loop is parallelized.

Example: If you have 100 iterations and 4 processors, Processor 0 gets iterations 0, 4, 8, 12, …, Processor 1 gets iterations 1, 5, 9, 13, …, and so on. center

In tiling the vector size is equal to tile size.

Note: Blocking is used in Distributed Memory Parallelization (MPI). Tiling is used in Vector Parallelization.