Center of the Bubble

scalar totalBubbleVolume = 0.0;
vector weightedPosition(vector::zero);
forAll(alpha1, cellI)
    if (alpha1[cellI] > 0.5) // Assuming alpha1 represents the bubble phase
        totalBubbleVolume += mesh.V()[cellI];
        weightedPosition += mesh.V()[cellI] * mesh.C()[cellI];
reduce(totalBubbleVolume, sumOp<scalar>());
reduce(weightedPosition, sumOp<vector>());
if (totalBubbleVolume > SMALL) // prevents div. by 0 error. SMALL in OpenFOAM is defined as 1e-15. ()
    Cb = weightedPosition / totalBubbleVolume;
Info<< "Updated bubble center: " << Cb << endl;

Write Cb as a Field (to visualize it in paraview)

volScalarField CbField
    dimensionedScalar("zero", dimless, 0.0)
    // Reset CbField to zero
    CbField = dimensionedScalar("zero", dimless, 0.0);
    // Find the cell containing Cb
    label cellId = mesh.findCell(Cb);
    if (cellId >= 0)
        // Set the value to 1 in the cell containing Cb
        CbField[cellId] = 1.0;
    // Correct boundary conditions
    Info<< "Cb field updated. Center at cell: " << cellId << endl;

Domain Center

scalar totalVolume = gSum(mesh.V());
// Weighted sum of cell centers
vector volumeWeightedSum = vector::zero;
forAll(mesh.C(), cellI)
    volumeWeightedSum += mesh.C()[cellI] * mesh.V()[cellI];
reduce(volumeWeightedSum, sumOp<vector>());
vector domainCenter = volumeWeightedSum / totalVolume;
Info << "Domain center: " << domainCenter << endl;

Bubble Velocity

vector Cbf(0, 0, 0);  // Target/initial bubble center position
vector Cb0 = Cb;  // Previous time step bubble center position
vector UF(0, 0, 0);  // Initial bubble velocity
vector XF = Cb;  // Initial bubble position
// at the moment the target and the initial are the same
// Hardcoded parameters
scalar lambdaFf = 1.0;
scalar lambdaF0 = 1.0;
// Calculate change in velocity (bubble displacement / time)
vector dUF = lambdaFf * (Cb - Cbf) / runTime.deltaT().value()
           + lambdaF0 * (Cb - Cb0) / runTime.deltaT().value();


  1. Long-term tracking
    • Ensures that the bubble tends towards its initial position over time.
    • If the bubble has moved far from its initial position, this term will be larger, creating a stronger “restoring” velocity.
  2. Short-term adjustment (second term):
    • This term accounts for recent changes in the bubble’s position.
    • It allows the model to respond to rapid changes or perturbations in the bubble’s motion.
dimensionedVector dimUF("UF", dimVelocity, UF);
dimensionedVector dimDUF("dUF", dimVelocity, dUF);
dimensionedVector dimXF("XF", dimLength, XF);

This ensures that the variables are stored along with their dimensions.

Updating Bubble Position (Verlet Algorithm)

dimXF += (dimUF + 0.5 * dimDUF) * runTime.deltaT();
XF = dimXF.value();  // Convert back to vector


  • Initial velocity:
  • Velocity change:
  • Final velocity:

We assume constant acceleration over the time step. In this case, the average velocity is the arithmetic mean of the initial and final velocities:

Substituting the expressions for and :